how to keep cats cool in summer without ac

 Keeping Cats Cool During Summer

Summers are usually full of warmth and sunshine, giving us a chance to enjoy seasonal dishes and create memorable moments. However, the intense heat of India's tropical climate can put off these experiences, especially for our feline friends. As cat owners, we must recognize how summer heat can affect our cats.

Provide plenty of water

Dehydration, heatstroke, and heat-related problems are common for cats in hot climates, but you can help them avoid these problems. The main thing is to provide them with enough water to keep them hydrated and aid their digestion and blood circulation. Avoid feeding your cat milk as they may be lactose intolerant. Remember, each cat has different hydration needs depending on weight, age, and breed. Older cats are more at risk of dehydration, while light-haired cats are more at risk of sunburn.

Cats can be finicky when it comes to drinking water, but it's important to keep them hydrated. Place wide bowls filled with water around your home for easy access. If your cat likes running water, consider investing in a water fountain.

Watch for signs of dehydration such as vomiting, diarrhea, excessive panting, dry gums, loss of appetite or lethargy after playing. If you notice any of these symptoms, contact your veterinarian immediately.

Create great spaces

When you're at home, keep your cat shaded and out of direct sunlight by closing windows and curtains. Maintain ventilation by setting air conditioning to a comfortable temperature or using fans placed safely away from your cat's resting places. Invest in comfortable mats to keep your cat off hot floors.

Create small "cooling-off" zones in case of power outages. You can place wet towels or clothes around your house, or make an ice pack by freezing a water bottle and wrapping it in a towel. Let your cat be comfortable in its bed. When they get too cold they will go away. Just make sure that the water bottle does not leak.

If your cat finds a secluded spot to rest, let it rest. Keep them from overexerting themselves. For exercise, mentally stimulating toys can help balance play and rest.

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Feed nutritious food

Choose the best food for your cat and keep in mind that their appetite may change during the summer. A balanced diet can reduce discomfort and boost their immunity.

Feed your cat during cooler times of the day. Wet cat food has a higher water content, which helps with hydration. Adding water, meat, or kibble to dry cat food can also make a great meal. As for recipes, small amounts of watermelon and frozen treats or icy treats made with catnip can be a hit. Ice cubes can also provide entertainment and hydration.

Grooming Tips

During summer, proper care is important for your cat's comfort. If your cat has long hair, it is important to detangle knots during cooler parts of the day. This removes excess fur and gives you a chance to check for fleas and ticks.

Your cat's fluffy fur can be an ideal environment for fleas to breed. Check around the neck, base of the tail, and belly for these parasites, which can cause serious health problems. Use special products and shampoos to get rid of these pests and reduce your cat's heat-related allergies.

Staying safe outside

Although it is natural for cats to hang out outside, avoid it when the sun is at its peak, between 10 am and 6 pm. If your cat wants to go outside, apply sunscreen to protect them and allow them outside during cooler weather. When traveling during rush hours, use a cat carrier to protect your cat from the sun and always bring plenty of clean water.


While summer can be a time of relaxation and fun, it can also bring challenges for your cat. By ensuring proper hydration, providing a balanced diet, and maintaining a grooming routine, you can help your cat have a comfortable and enjoyable summer.

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